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Array sorting in ascending and descending order using python.

  We need sorted() function to sort the given list in ascending or descending order. The syntax is as follows: sorted(list, key=..., reverse=....) >> Lets see first list sorting:-  #First we need to specify an array and save it in a variable. a = [2.2, 2.3233, 2322, 32.23, 2, 32.2, 5.11, 4, 0.1, 0.1] #Secondly we'll be using a sorted() function to sort out the given array. print('sorting in ascending order:', sorted(a)) #Lastly  we'll be using  reverse=True for the array to be in descending or der. print('sorting in descending order:', sorted(a, reverse = True)) #Output: sorting in ascending order: [0.1, 0.1, 2, 2.2, 2.3233, 4, 5.11, 32.2, 32.23, 2322] sorting in descending order: [2322, 32.23, 32.2, 5.11, 4, 2.3233, 2.2, 2, 0.1, 0.1] >> Then lets see set{} sorting:- a = {2.2, 2.3233, 2322, 32.23, 2, 32.2, 5.11, 4, 0.1, 0.1} #Output: [0.1, 0.1, 2, 2.2, 2.3233, 4, 5.11, 32.2, 32.23, 2322] >> Tuple() sorting:- a = (2.2, 2.3233, 2322, 32.23, 2, ...