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Stock Market using Python

 "The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient." - Warren Buffett Today we'll look into few ways for accessing the stock market. And we'll do this using Python ! Now, as we know that there are 2 stock exchange in India; BSE and NSE So we'll get the data from both! To begin with let's access the data from BSE first. (P.S: I certainly like the 2nd and the 3rd method to access stock market!) * So, to import the BSE data we need to " pip install bsedata ". => And then import the module, => Create an object to store the Driver Class => Then we need to do " getQuote('script_code')" where we need to provide a script code of a company which we need to access. Just like here we have given; => And from here we can see that the script code was for the company named "V-MART". But we can't remember all the script code hence we need to download this script file from the BSE websi...
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