“Data really powers everything that we do.” — Jeff Weiner
In the 21st century, Data is one of the most valuable entity anyone can have!
There is loads-and-loads of data generated everyday. And to process this huge amount of data we need people who have expertise in it, who by the way are called as Data Engineers.
Data Engineer collects the raw data, process it for further use; but we need an Analytic process which will automatically predict the data based on the previous one.
And here's how 'Machine Learning' comes into the picture.
"Machine Learning allows us to make highly accurate predictions based on the Historical Dataset which is used to train the machine learning model."
Today let us look at a similar ML model to predict the 'Salary' of Employees based on 'YearsofExperience'.
(P.S: I've provided pdf link at the very bottom of this page for clear understanding)
1) import the required modules
2) read the csv file
3) plot the graph
4) use Linear Regression to fit/train the data
5) try to predict with a parameter
6) Correlation Coefficient/slope of line(m)
7) Intercept(b)
8) plot the line of regression for reference
9) to predict 'Salary', take a new dataSet with just the 'YearsExperience'
10) add this new column into the newDataSet
11) and at last, convert the predicted dataset into a csv file
for Salary_data.csv: click here
for SalaryPrediction.csv: click here
for newSalaryPrediction.csv: click here
click on the link to access the pdf: click here
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