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Why RF Cables fails at High Frequency?

What are RF cables and where they are used? So RF cables are a type of coaxial cable that are used to send radio frequency signals to a communication system. RF cables are often used to send video information to a TV set. RF Cables are often used in domestic as well as in industrial purpose. But as we all know that RF cables fails at High Frequency. And the question arrives is ''Why''?
Let's find the answer to this question.

Magnetic field is always around the conductor and Electric field is tangential to the Magnetic field. Once we can constrain the Magnetic field into the conductor but we cannot establish Electric field inside the conductor. And because of this the Electric field decreases exponentially.

One of the reasons is the ''Skin Depth'' as shown in the figure.

As the skin depth increases the area of the cross section increases and as the skin depth decreases the area also decreases.

The greater will be the frequency the greater will be the Path Loss(PL is directly proportional to the square of the frequency) i. e; losses will increase.
And losses = I^2*R.

We have the formula for skin depth as;

And Resistance will be;

So we can clearly see here that if skin depth increases the area of cross section increases. As area of cross section increases Resistance increases and because of this losses increases. As Path loss is directly proportional to the square of the frequency, so frequency increases. And because of the increase in frequency the skin depth also increases.

And because of the increase in the area at High Frequency the RF cable burns out completely. 


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