#Lets take two variables a & b:-
a = 14
b = 14.66
14 has a datatype : <class 'int'>
14.66 has a datatype : <class 'float'>
>>The output here shows what type of datatype variable 'a' and 'b' has.
- 'a' has integer datatype
- 'b' has float datatype
>> This type of conversion where python automatically converts one datatype into another is called as Implicit Conversion.
>>Now lets take same variables for another type of conversion.
a = 14
As we all know that variable 'a' has an integer datatype but here we are explicitly converting that into float with the help of float().
Here we can see that the output has a datatype float.
b = 14.66
Same goes here, in the above example we have seen that variable 'b' has a datatype float but here we are explicitly converting it into integer with the help of int().
Here we can see that the output has a datatype integer.
>>This type of conversion where we explicitly converts the datatype from one to another is called as Explicit Conversion.
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