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Why MNC's use Linux over Windows?

Now recently I've been going through this very question that- Even though Windows is better than Linux then why MNC'S use Linux over Windows? 

And have you ever wondered why MNC'S(Multi-National Companies) use Linux over Windows?

Now the simple answer to this question would be Linux is an open source system.

An open source system is the one which is free to use by public like those tons of apps on the Google Playstore.

But thats not the only thing Linux is much more powerful than we could ever think; like-

  • Linux is user friendly
  • Many Gaming community supports Linux
  • Linux is available in different languages and so on...

For a long time there was a misconception that Linux is only for programmers

and people had fear of command line but thats not true. Anyone can use Linux as having said that it's user friendly.

Now coming back to our question:

See we need a license to run Windows Operating system because it's not an open source system without which its illegal to use it.

Take an example: 

If an institute has 300 Windows PC, Microsoft can get the location in no time. 

And if the Microsoft wants it can raid the institute and ask for the license. 

If that institute doesn't have license for all the 300 computers then Microsoft would easily seize the institute making them difficult to pursue.

Then the question arrives is many of the individuals use the pirated version for Windows then why don't Microsoft raid every individual.

You see in that case Microsoft will have to spend a tons of money to raid every individual.

And say for example a news suddenly erupts that Microsoft wants all of us to use the legal rather than the pirated version everyone will be switching to an open source as quickly as possible. Because no one wants to purchase the product if tons of other open sources are already available.


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