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Showing posts from March, 2021

Find whether the given number is Armstrong or not

 # Armstrong Number -- * Aim = To find the given number is Armstrong number or not. Q.) What is an Armstrong number? Ans.) It is a number where sum of cube of its digit is equal to the given number.  For example==>> Say 407 then-- (4)³+(0)³+(7)³ = 64 + 0 + 343 = 407 # code : actual = int(input('Enter number:')) sum = 0 num = actual  while (num>0):     digit = (num%10)      power = pow(digit,3)      sum = sum + power      num = num//10 if (sum==actual):     print( actual , 'is an Armstrong number') else:     print( actual , 'is not an Armstrong number') # Output : Enter number:407                     407 is an Armstrong number >> Lets look how the code works : 1) First, get input from the user. 2) Then initialize the variable. 3) Store the actual (input) in a variable called num . We do this coz at the end we need to compare the sum with the actual input. If we don't do this our actual input will keep on decrementing and we'll not

Sum and Product of given Digits

* Our objective is to find the sum of given digits i.e.; 2+4+3=9 # sum of given digits code :-- n = int(input('Enter number:')) sum =0 while n>0:     sum = sum + (n%10)     n = n//10 print('Sum of digits=', sum) # Output : Enter number:243                 Sum of digits= 9 >> Lets look at the program-- 1) First we'll take an input from the user    Say n = 243 2) Secondly, we'll initialize the variable    sum = 0 3) We'll build a loop    i.e.; while n>0: 4) Now we'll build our logic as    sum = sum + (n%10)         ----eq.1 >> Lets see how this logic works-- Here, at the R.H.S we have sum + (n%10)     ----from eq.1 Since we have sum=0 and n=243 Therefore, sum + (n%10) = 0 + (243%10)  >> When we divide 243/10 we get the remainder as 3. That is what 243%10 is doing here.               = 0 + (3)                                     sum = 3 >> We have fetched the last digit from the given number. But now we want th

Slicing in Python

  * Let's first understand how a slicing is been done-- Consider a string namely==>> string = 'python_developer!' If we print this then-- #  Output: python_developer! >> Now lets do some slicing here-- print (string[0:17:2]) >> Then the-- # Output: pto_eeoe! >> Lets see how it works-- So basically the print statement is in the form of  print(string[a:b:c]) >>  Now here   --           a: Starting position b: Ending position c: Steps taken >> If we take out length of the given string then-- print (len(string)) # Output: 17 * The total length of the given string is 17. Therefore in our given problem the string will be printed from 0 index to 16 index and would take 2 steps. >> Hence the output-- # Output: pto_eeoe! >> Now the print statement that we have used here is-- print (string[0:17:2]) >> We can also use-- print (string[:17:2]) >> It will give the same output-- # Output: pto eeoe! >> But what if