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Sum and Product of given Digits

* Our objective is to find the sum of given digits i.e.; 2+4+3=9

# sum of given digits code:--

n = int(input('Enter number:'))

sum =0

while n>0:

    sum = sum + (n%10)

    n = n//10

print('Sum of digits=', sum)

# Output: Enter number:243

                Sum of digits= 9

>> Lets look at the program--

1) First we'll take an input from the user

   Say n = 243

2) Secondly, we'll initialize the variable

   sum = 0

3) We'll build a loop

   i.e.; while n>0:

4) Now we'll build our logic as

   sum = sum + (n%10)        ----eq.1

>> Lets see how this logic works--

Here, at the R.H.S we have

sum + (n%10)    ----from eq.1

Since we have sum=0 and n=243

Therefore, sum + (n%10) = 0 + (243%10) 

>> When we divide 243/10 we get the remainder as 3. That is what 243%10 is doing here.

              = 0 + (3)

                                    sum = 3

>> We have fetched the last digit from the given number. But now we want the number next to it.

5) Therefore, n = n//10

   >> When we perform a simple division on a given number--

        Say 243/10 = 24.3

   >> But here, we are doing floor division which helps us to exclude the digit after the decimal.

       i.e.; 243//10 = 24

   >> Therefore, n = n//10 is equivalent to n = 24.

6) Now since n = 24 the pointer will go to the while loop. It will check the condition.

        while n>0 

        i.e.; 24>0 

>> Since the condition fulfills it will again repeat the same procedure (from step 4 to 5)

7) Here, sum = 3+4

     = 7

    And, n = n//10

           = 2

* For more clarity look at the step-by-step cases--

  n = 243

 sum = 0 

 while (n>0):

sum = sum + (n%10)

    = 0 + (243%10=)3

            = 0 + 3

        sum = 3

        n = n//10

          = (243//10=)24

        n = 24

 while (n>0):

        sum = sum + (n%10)

    = 3 + (24%10=)4

            = 3 + 4

        sum = 7

        n = n//10

          = (24//10=)2

        n = 2

• while (n>0):

      sum = sum + (n%10)

    = 7 + (2%10=)2

            = 7 + 2

        sum = 9

        n = n//10

          = (2//10=)0

        n = 0

>> And here the loop will get terminated coz '0' is not greater than '0' as per our condition(viz while n>0).

>> So the pointer will come out of the loop and the print statement will execute. Executing the desired result.

* Our objective is to find the product of given digits i.e.; 2*4*3= 24

# product of given digits:--

n = int(input('Enter number:'))

product = 1

while n >1:

    product = product * (n%10)

    n = n//10

print('Product of digits=', product)

# Output : Enter number:243

                   Product of digits= 24

>> For finding the product of given digits, we just need to change the variable to product =1.

>> Coz here we need to multiple the digits and if we multiply the digits by 0 the result for every number will be 0.

* For simple calculator visit linkclick here


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