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What are some methods for optimizing Oracle databases for large data inserts?

 For large data inserts I can suggest you few things like: Use trigger(PL/SQL) Use APPEND hint Remove indexes on tables Firstly, while you use triggers in the table it could leave data to be logically corrupt. And it will then perform insert in a very conventional way. Which is a time consuming process and won’t helps us! Secondly, using APPEND hint will help us to an extend. So, APPEND hint tells the optimizer to perform a direct-insert into the table, which improves the performance. Now there is a way which we could achieve this by minimizing the Redo generation. What Redo do is; it basically ensures the recoverability of data to the database. It writes down every transaction to the archive log. Let’s take a scenario, where if the database is running on the NOARCHIVELOG mode, using APPEND hint will reduce the redo generation i.e; it won’t write into the archive log anymore and thus increases the speed. But then it won’t be able to recover at any point in time if your data is ambi...

What are the benefits and drawbacks of having indexes on temporary tables in MySQL?

Indexes are used to retrieve data from the database in a very efficient and fast way. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of index on tables; Click on the link to know more:   Click here

What are some key benefits of using list comprehensions in Python?

To begin with, List Comprehension is an elegant and easiest way for creating list based on the existing list. It is also a compact and faster way of creating lists. Let’s look at some examples: Click on the link for more explanation:  Link to my Space  

Machine Learning model for predicting 'Salary' of an Employee based on 'YearsofExperience'

“ Data really powers everything that we do .” — Jeff Weiner In the 21st century, Data is one of the most valuable entity anyone can have! There is loads-and-loads of data generated everyday. And to process this huge amount of data we need people who have expertise in it, who by the way are called as Data Engineers. Data Engineer collects the raw data, process it for further use; but we need an Analytic process which will automatically predict the data based on the previous one. And here's how 'Machine Learning' comes into the picture. "Machine Learning allows us to make highly accurate predictions based on the Historical Dataset which is used to train the machine learning model." Today let us look at a similar ML model to predict the 'Salary' of Employees based on 'YearsofExperience'. (P.S: I've provided pdf link at the very bottom of this page for clear understanding) 1) import the required modules 2) read the csv file 3) plot the graph 4) us...

WHERE and ORDER BY clause

* WHERE clause is used as a filter on the table  to get a desired output. It is used to full fill a given condition.  Syntax : -  SELECT column_name  FROM table_name  WHERE search_condition ORDER BY expression; WHERE clause appears after the FROM clause but before the ORDER BY clause.  WHERE clause not only is used in SELECT statement but also in the UPDATE and DELETE clause. We use ORDER BY clause at the very end of the query. • Lets say we have the emp table: and we want the names of the employees who's salary is greater than 2000. • So we will write a query: As we can see, the data is now filtered out. Earlier there were 14 rows but now after using WHERE clause we have 6 rows.  We always use WHERE clause with comparison operators like:  Now lets see ORDER BY clause: • Say we have the same query viz " SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE SAL>2000;" but now we want the data to be sorted in ascending order of sal column then we write-- SELEC...

Introduction to SQL

 Q.)  What is SQL ? Ans.) SQL(Structured Query Language) is a standardized language to communicate with the database.  With the help of it we can retrieve data from the database. SQL not only allows us to read the data but also allows us to write the data in the database.  Data in the database is stored in the form of tables. We can Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, Alter, Drop and can perform many more operations on the table. And these are called as SQL Statements. * SQL Statements are classified mainly into 4 categories :- 1) DML (Data Manipulation Language) 2) DDL (Data Definition Language) 3) DCL (Data Control Language) 4) TCL (Transaction Control Language) * Under DML we have :-(No Autocommit) 1. Select  2. Insert  3. Update  4. Delete  5. Merge    * Under DDL :-(Allows Autocommit) 1. Create 2. Alter  3. Drop  4. Truncate  5. Flashback * Under DCL :-(Allows Autocommit) 1. Grant  2. Revoke  * Under T...

Progress bar using HTML/CSS

(switch to desktop mode for better experience)  # html code : <! DOCTYPE   html > < html   lang = "en" > < head >      < link   href = 'E:\html\testpro\style.css'   rel = 'stylesheet' >      < meta   charset = "UTF-8" >      < meta   http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible"   content = "IE=edge" >      < meta   name = "viewport"   content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" >      < title > progress bar </ title > </ head > < body >      < div   class = "box" >          < h1 >< u > progress bar </ u > : </ h1 >          < h2   id = 'h1' > c </ h2 >            ...